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Biggest beer garden in se1

Doesn't the change in seasons make you thirsty?

Why not enjoy a pint in the sun in the biggest Beer Garden on the Bermondsey Beer Mile.

Join us at the Hiver Taproom today.

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Best Beer in the World

Our New 9 Pack Explained

Here at Hiver we are all about making products that don't cost the earth, both in terms of money, as well as environmental impact. 

So when we received feedback about creating a more affordable option for some customers, we wanted to do everything we could to make it work. 

Matt, the ops manager here, got to work crunching the numbers and sourcing the packaging (amongst a lot of the other bits it takes to get a new product live) and produced our brand new 9 pack. 

Coming in at £25 delivered, we've made something that was affordable for us to produce and, we hope, for you to buy too. 

Want to know what goes into our pricing? Take a look at the breakdown BEElow. We hope you'll be adding one to your cart soon!


Hiver's 9 pack cost breakdown

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